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Which version of Lumi is right for your project?

Double vs Triple Glazing Windows

Double Glazing VS Triple Glazing

Are you designing your dream home? Or perhaps renovating your current home? Deciding what windows to get can be a difficult decision and one that shouldn’t be taken lightly. With a variety of styles, shapes and colours to choose from, it can be difficult to be decisive; however, the actual decision lies with choosing double or triple-glazing windows.

This decision can be influenced by several factors such as the location of your house. Is it in a busy, built-up area where you will require noise reduction? Or is this a renovating project where you need to improve your current home and want more energy-efficient windows and doors?

You must make an informed decision before purchasing your windows as both windows carry different benefits, so it will all come down to which suits your and your home’s needs first. We have outlined the key differences between double and triple-glazed windows to make this decision easier.

What are double-glazed windows?

Double-glazed windows are made of two panes of glass slightly separated by a spacer bar. This bar creates an air gap filled with insulated gas, providing an energy-efficient window solution.

What are triple-glazed windows?

Triple-glazed windows are a modern advancement on double-glazed windows, with three panes of glass separated by argon gas. This offers an extra layer of glass that provides that extra insulation to your home and a heavier and thicker window.

What are the main differences between double and triple-glazed windows?

Energy Efficient differences between double and tripled-glazed windows.

Both double and triple-glazed windows are energy efficient thanks to the materials used within. Double-glazed windows are highly efficient in reducing heat loss within a home and block noise compared to single glaze.

Triple glaze is an extra step up from this as they are designed with an extra layer of glass, making it much more difficult for heat to escape from your home and allowing you the luxury of maintaining the temperature within your home.

Thermal differences between double and triple-glazed windows.

A U-Value is used to understand the thermal capabilities of your window and heat loss within your home. Lower numbers on a U-Value will indicate superior thermal performance. Typically, you can expect modern double-glazed windows to provide U-values of 1.3-1/5 W/m2k in comparison to single-glazed windows that measure units of 5.6 W/m2k. Triple glaze, however, will offer a value closer to 0.8 W/m2k, providing a high-performance thermal window.

Is double-glazed or triple-glazed best for noise reduction?

The area and situation of your home will determine which glaze you will require. Double glazing is an excellent solution for a renovation project as it is a thicker window solution in comparison to single glaze and is great for reducing noise.

However, for homes in built-up areas and near main roads, you may want to make sure you have the strongest noise-efficient window possible. Triple-glazed windows are thicker windows offering superior noise reduction.

Which is more expensive, double or triple-glazed windows

Double-glazed windows are the most popular choice for windows because they cost less and are more energy efficient than single-glaze. Triple glaze windows are more costly, with the added materials ensuring higher efficiency and the required manufacturing to install.

If you are renovating your home, triple glazing is likely to cost a lot more; however, it is argued that this initial high cost is justified, ensuring your home is thermally efficient and will retain the heat. An initial steep cost will outweigh the costs of a home that loses energy and is expensive to heat.

Window Maintenance

The great thing with Lumi windows is that they require very little maintenance; this includes both our double and triple-glazed range. We recommend our customers clean their windows monthly with a soft cloth soaked in warm water and mild detergent. It is important to read the labels of your cleaning products as some detergents may be too strong and can discolour window panes.

For locking systems, we recommend lubricating locking systems bi-annually by applying grease to hooks, deadbolts, face of the latch and the sides of the rollers. The roller slots should be oiled with a general lubricant. You can lubricate the cylinder by spraying a silicone or graphite-based lubricant into the cylinder twice a year. Never use grease or oil in the cylinder.

Get in touch

Need help deciding on windows for your home? Get in touch with us now. Our experts are always at hand to help customers bring visions to life. We have hundreds of case studies showcasing our stunning Lumi windows in both new build and renovation products. We know everything about windows and doors and want to ensure you make the best possible decision for your home.

We also talk our customers through the importance of energy maintenance within a home and how it is important to look at other areas, such as the insulation in your loft, roof space, doors and floors, to ensure energy isn’t wasted and so you can get the best from our double & triple glazed windows.

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